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Archives of
Nolan's Pop Culture Review
PCR Archives 2004
PCR Archives 2003
PCR Archives 2002
PCR Archives 2001
PCR Archives 2000
Email PCR

Florida Indies Film Review: "Light of Blood” Update
 by William Moriaty

"Dawn of the Dead"
 by Mike Smith

FL Indie Film Spotlight: An Online Interview With Andrew Allan
 by Andy Lalino

Collecting In The New Millennium....Watchlist--The Comic Industry
 by Brandon Jones

Blimey, It's St. Patty's Day....Classic Monster Collection....Mega-Conned
 by Matt Drinnenberg

Maybe It Was Nessie....TVLand Awards #2....Maybe His Underwear Are Too Tight....Passing On....2nd Time Is The Charm....Meet The Beatles, Part 9
 by Mike Smith

Nolan's Pop Culture Review, 2003!
    Established A.D. 2000, March 19. Now in our fifth calendar year!
    Number 208  (Vol. 5, No. 12). This edition is for the week of March 15--21, 2004.

Also...Crazed Fanboy sports a new Message Board

Whew! Talk about the week that was. I'm glad so many of you enjoyed last week's MegaCon issue, it was draining, but definitely worth the effort. Evidently, Ed Tucker's and my efforts to convey the event accurately and enthusiatically was successful. Thanks to all who wrote and/or IM'd me about it.

This week's big deal has to do with a concept I'd been fighting for years, and now have finally caved on....a Crazed Fanboy message board....and now that I've been tinkering on it a few days, I can say I'm sorry I didn't do this a lot sooner! Oh, I know lots of you were on me about it, I just never considered myself a message board kind of guy. I slowly came around, though, and now I'm pretty happy about it. Please do check it out.

This issue of PCR is graphics-intensive which, in addition to catching up the Florida Filmmaker's Update and fine-tuning the Message Board, has caused me to run behind...again. Please forgive the short headline section, I'll be back to normal next week with more news and reviews! Message Board, click here

Please consider making a donation to help support Crazed Fanboy! Click on the "donate" link below and give whatever you can. I sincerely thank you for any and all consideration.---Nolan
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"Mike's Rant" is ©2004 by Michael A. Smith    "Matt's Rail" is ©2004 by Matthew Drinnenberg     "La Floridiana" is ©2004 by William Moriaty     "This Week's Movie Review" is ©2004 by Michael A. Smith    "Oddservations" is ©2004 by Andy Lalino    "Splash Page" is ©2004 by Brandon Jones    "The Black Dog Bites Back" is ©2004 by Joshua Montgomery    "The Drow" is ©2004 by Dylan Jones    "Nicholas Rex" is ©2004 by Nick King    "The Ogre" is ©2004 by Clayton Smith      All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2004 by Nolan B. Canova    
Crazed Fanboy dotcom is owned and operated by Nolan B. Canova