Archives 2015
For its first eleven years, Crazed Fanboy was the home of Nolan's Pop Culture Review (aka, the "PCR"), a pop media fan publication hosting many talented contributors, formerly published weekly as an e-zine. That was changed to a pop media fan blog in January 2011 for more effective promotion. In December of 2011, Nolan Canova resigned from blogging and the entire website was transferred to Terence Nuzum. and these Archives retain a wealth of archival materials accumulated over a decade of publishing. Along with video producing and distribution, this is what we do. The basic format of this page is traditional and was retained to provide a sense of familiarity for long-time readers. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support!

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RELATIVE DIMENSIONS -- [September 21, 2015] Terence does an about-face with his review of "The Vampires of Venice"
RELATIVE DIMENSIONS -- [July 30, 2015] The recently discovered Patrick Troughton serial "Web of Fear"
THE REAL LIFE ADVENTURES OF JON STRIPPOLI -- [July 8, 2015] Mr. Freedom (1969) by Jon Strippoli
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [July 7, 2015] Hammer Files: The Brides of Dracula/The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [June 11, 2015] Christopher Lee: Horror Icon by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [May 7, 2015] Stage Fright (1987) by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [March 31, 2015] Blood Diner (1987) by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [March 24, 2015] Horror Comics, Music and Conspiracies: An Interview with T. Casey Brennan by Terence Nuzum
RELATIVE DIMENSIONS -- [March 17, 2015] The recently found lost Patrick Troughton serial, "Enemy of the World"
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [March 16, 2015] To All A Goodnight (1980) by Terence Nuzum
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [March 7, 2015] Return to the 36th Chamber by Jason Fetters
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [March 2, 2015] Hammer Files: The Mummy (1959) by Terence Nuzum
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [March 1, 2015] Hula Bay by Jason Fetters
RELATIVE DIMENSIONS -- [February 27, 2015] The Ice Warriors DVD, Doctor WHO Series 8, The Last Christmas by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [February 24, 2015] House Of Dark Shadows (1970) by Terence Nuzum
GHASTLY REFLECTIONS -- [February 19, 2015] John Carpenter's Lost Themes by Terence Nuzum
MUSIC MATHERS -- [February 18, 2015] From Jets to Forgetters by Vinnie Blesi
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [February 7, 2015] Live Your Dreams: The Taylor Anderson Story by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [February 1, 2015] Takamoto's Toons by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [January 20, 2015] The Dragon Lives Again by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [January 18, 2015] Robert Kinoshita Tribute by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [January 14, 2015] The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [January 3, 2015] So You Would Like To Start A Bruce Lee Movie Collection by Jason Fetters
THE ASIAN APERTURE -- [January 1, 2015] Bebop on Blu-ray by Jason Fetters


Nolan's Pop Culture Review: "Because everyone's entitled to my opinion!"---Nolan B. Canova

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Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova ©2015. All contents of Crazed Fanboy are ©2015 Nolan B. Canova and Terence Nuzum all rights reserved.