A brief history: For its first eleven years, Crazed Fanboy was the home of Nolan's Pop Culture Review (aka, the "PCR"), a pop media fan publication hosting many talented contributors, formerly published weekly as an e-zine. That was changed to a pop media fan blog in January 2011 for more effective promotion. In December of 2011, Nolan Canova resigned from blogging and the entire website was transferred to Terence Nuzum who kept it going for another four years. Eventually, everyone fatigued from the workload and competition from social media sites. CrazedFanboy.com went into hiatus for about four years. CrazedFanboy.com and these Archives retain a wealth of archival materials accumulated over a decade of publishing. Along with video producing and distribution, this is what we did and hope to do again. The basic format of this page is traditional and was retained to provide a sense of familiarity for long-time readers. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support!

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Archives From The First Fifteen Years of

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The Lost Interview of Dr. Paul Bearer
The Ted V. Mikels Interview
The True Story of the Royal Guardsmen
The Ray Dennis Steckler Interview
20,000 Leagues Into The Toilet
Salvageland: Disney World's Final Frontier
The Wizard of Gore Visits Tampa
PCR Meets Harry Wise, Charlie Carlson
Maila "Vampira" Nurmi, 1921-2008
Bettie Page, 1923-2008
30 Bands That Made The '80s Not Suck
Top 10 Best Horror Movies Of All Time
10-Part History of The Blues
The Last Roy Huston Spook Show
The Henry Winkler Interview
The Paul Williams Interview
The Linda Harrison Interview
A Rough Guide to '70s Horror Films
Musings of a Make-up Artist  by Corey Castellano (2002)
Monster Memories  by ED Tucker (2002)
Former "Blondie" artist Denis Lebrun interview, Part 1 by Will Moriaty (2002)
False Memories of G.I. Joe   by ED Tucker (2003)
A Solution To Prevent Accidental Nuclear War   by George Roth (2006)
The Fallacy of Major Conventional War in the Nuclear Age   by George Roth (2009)
Phantom From Space
The Ape
Slay Bells
Rotten Reels, Volume 3
Flashes of Fear, Week 5: The Picture In The House
Flashes of Fear, Week 4: The Stranger
Flashes of Fear, Week 3: Z Virus
Flashes of Fear, Week 2: Do You Like Argento?
Flashes of Fear, Week 1: The Outsider
Rotten Reels, Volume 2
Rotten Reels, Volume 1
Grave of the Vampire
Killers From Space
Katie Bird is my Girlfriend


White Lie (is also on YouTube)
The Portrait
Getting The Hand Of It!
Fangory Yours
A Grave Matter (is also on YouTube)
Spaventare (is also on YouTube)

Milk Crate Scars

Nolan's Pop Culture Review: "Because everyone's entitled to my opinion!"---Nolan B. Canova

Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova ©2020. All contents of Crazed Fanboy are ©2020 Nolan B. Canova all rights reserved.