ARCHIVES of Nolan's Pop Culture Review, 2001. Click on date to view issue. |
92........(December 24--31, 2001). Last issue of the year! Looking back...looking ahead. Lots of thank yous. The best and worst of the year. William Moriaty concludes his 5-part series on the Bermuda Triangle. Drew Reiber's "Wake Up...": A special edition on The Lord of the Rings' Peter Jackson! Lauré reviews LOTR. Steve Beasley comments on same. Mike Smith's hits and misses of the year, plus favorite movie lines!
91........(December 17--23, 2001). Spoke too soon about the great weather in Tampa. Sure, last Sunday we set a record high of 85 degrees, but now it's cooled down to 48 on Friday! "The Lord of the Rings"...I review the new movie! Mike and Terence also have some comments. Will Moriaty's Part 4 of his Bermuda Triangle series. Terence Nuzum's "Enlightenment"--underground comics! "Mike's Rant" is here with lots o' good movie stuff!
90........(December 10--16, 2001). Last year about this time, it was approaching freezing in Tampa. This year, with highs in the '80s, we got our ACs running! Last word on Harry Potter. Smallville. Terence Nuzum's Top 5 Christmas specials of all time. I respond to a religious mass-mailing. Will Moriaty's Part 3 of the Bermuda Triangle story. "Wake Up..." has December's comics picks! "Mike's Rant" is in!
89........(December 3--9, 2001). George Harrison remembered. Ginger/IT finally revealed. Lord of the Rings TV special. A new Gilmore Girls episode review by Lauré. Will Moriaty's Part 2 of the history of the Bermuda Triangle. Mike's challenge: The Top Ten Best Holiday TV specials of all time. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are here!
88........(November 26--December 2, 2001). I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! This week's issue eventually filled out! "Phantom Menace" the second time around. "R2D2: Under the Dome"...uckk, puhLEEZ. South Park season premiere review.
Late comers: I gotta start cracking down on deadlines, I swear. But, I'm glad they're here, and by late Thursday night, "Wake Up and Smell the Comics", "La Floridiana", Lauré's "Gilmore Girls" episode review, and "Mike's Rant" were all finally posted! Whew.
87........(November 19--25, 2001). Whoa, Nellie! A whole bunch of last-minute contributions delayed my turkey-toteling, but I'm glad they all came in! "Harry Potter" sets new records at the box office. In "La Floridiana", aviation buff Will Moriaty looks at a possible theory explaining the controversial recent crash of Flight 587. Drew Reiber's "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" is here with November's picks! "PCR Spotlight" once again features Lauré with a "Gilmore Girls" episode review! First-time writer Joe Cleaver rings in with his review of "Harry Potter" as does stalwart staffer Mike Smith who also has something to say about some high-school disciplinary policies.
86........(November 12--18, 2001). I briefly review the season-openers of The Simpsons, The X-Files, and The Tick. We have two PCR Spotlights this issue! We also try a new thing here: audio files! PCR Spotlight #1: Tampa-based horror-author, Patty G. Henderson, has donated some of her interview recordings. These are Real Player files only. Read the whole story here. PCR Spotlight #2: Lauré has sent in a review of "The Gilmore Girls" with a series overview. Then, "La Floridiana" recalls Will's strange trip to Miami. "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" is in: Comics Acquisition 101! "Mike's Rant" is in!
85........(November 5--11, 2001). November it begins. Too much on at the same time; not enough on at the dead times. Buffy as a musical....think "Hair" more than Rocky Horror? The Simpsons Halloween special gets a late start. "La Floridiana" celebrates the achievements of Tony Jannus. Ed Tucker on Dr. Paul Bearer. "Mike's Rant" is in!
84........(October 29--November 4, 2001). Getting our healthier colors back. Drew Reiber's Top Ten Horror Movies are in! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year's Halloween opus---I wish there could have been more of you. This week: new contributor Gary C. Esposito reflects on the deeper issues behind "Wolf Girl" and "Alias". Will Moriaty's "La Floridiana" starts chapter one on "Tacky Tourist Attractions of Florida". Boston Public. More announcements from Terence. Public Access update. "Mikes Rant" takes on PC in Hollywood!
11th-hour submissions: "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" on Frank Miller! "Matt's Rail" on FM! And Mike Smith on the new Star Wars trailer!!
83........(October 22--28, 2001). Part 2 of our 2-issue PCR Halloween Special! And we look deader than last week! Will Moriaty's Top Ten Horror Movies of all time. La Floridiana's final chapter on the "parnormal in Florida" series: ghosts and hauntings. Some birthday announcements. Terence's shake-up--plus The Enlightenment! Mike & Matt are here!!
82........(October 15--21, 2001). The seasons have changed and the time is upon us for the annual 2-ISSUE PCR HALLOWEEN MELTDOWN! And BOY do we look awful! LOL! I re-publish a condensed version of everyone's Top Ten Horror Movies of all time from last year's challenge, please send us yours! Drew Reiber's "Wake Up..." is on horror and Howard. Will Moriaty's "La Floridiana" parnormal in Florida series: ghosts and hauntings. A new Terence's Tirade on true horror stories. "Mike's Rant" is in....Hooters, Hulk, and hype!
81........(October 8--14, 2001). A few new letter-writers spice up "Letters to the Editor". See, I told you guys, you never know who's reading us! Pulmonary anthrax in Florida. Rush is deaf, but was Hitler gay? Will Moriaty's "La Floridiana" paranormal series: Part 2 on UFOs in Florida! Drew Reiber's "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" Part 2 on Marvel Knights! "Mike's Rant" is in: internet hoaxes, Cal Ripken, Jr!
80........(October 1--7, 2001). Drew Reiber's "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" takes on Marvel Knights! The returning Terence Nuzum rarely writes movie reviews, but he felt strongly enough about GHOST WORLD to send one in! Will Moriaty begins a new "La Floridiana" series on the paranormal in Florida. First up: UFOs! Matt's Challenge: The Top Ten Debut Albums of All Time---first results are in! "Mike's Rant" is in!
79........(September 17--23, 2001). Life in America begins to settle down just a little bit. This week's excellent "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" by Drew Reiber is on Spider-Man! Will Moriaty and I contribute Part 4--and final chapter in the series--on local Tampa fanzines of the '70s and '80s. I review the new Star Trek series premiere of "Enterprise"! Steve Beasley's Afghanistan analysis is in, postponed from an earlier issue. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in!
78........(September 17--23, 2001). (In terms of sheer byte-count, PCR issue #78 is the largest volume PCR of all time. Number 57 is now second-leading in text volume, but still the champ if you also count the number of contributors in a single issue.--Nolan) The Aftermath. Plus, Falwell strikes again. "Wake Up and Smell the Comics" encouragement for "Batman" fans--an amazing and exhaustive report on the improving state of Bat-Titles today. Will Moriaty and I contribute Part 3 of local Tampa fanzines of the '70s and '80s.
77........(September 10--16, 2001). AMERICA UNDER ATTACK. Shocking news as I put together this week's PCR...but we must move forward. I will have something to say about this.
On a lighter note: PCR welcomes aboard comic-fan and critic Drew Reiber with "Wake Up and Smell the Comics"! And Will Moriaty and I continue our series on local comic/sci-fi Tampa fanzines of the '70's and '80s. "Mike's Rant" is in!
76........(September 3--9, 2001). "Murder in Small Town X" concludes. "La Floridiana": locally-produced fanzines of the '70s and '80s! "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in!
75........(August 26--September 2, 2001). A new fuel pump and an adjustment to the carb and I'm mobile again. Nutty Florida summer: new home of JAWS? "La Floridiana" reviews a Florida-based book, "Orange Crush". John Lewis reviews "John Carpenter's The Ghosts of Mars" and "Profit". "Mike's Rant" is action-packed! "Matt's Rail" is in on the Famous Monsters debacle!
74........(August 20--26, 2001). I swear I will never own another car. What a money pit. I reflect on the dog days of summer. La Floridiana on tacky TV ads! Matt sends in his Top 10 Best Movie Sequels of All Time! Mike Smith reviews "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"!
73........(August 13--19, 2001). The Top Ten Best Movie Sequels of All Time! More Apes talk! Did Burton rip-off Kevin Smith? John Lewis on the ending of POTA! La Floridiana on local horror hosts! Movie review of America's Sweethearts by Ashley.
72........(August 6--12, 2001). The Top Ten Worst Movie Sequels of All Time! Apes revisited. Star Wars 2's new name. New "La Floridiana"! Deadguy rebuts Terence! New column featuring bargain-bin videos, reviewed! Plus, a new picture of our own Lisa Zubek! Late entries: "Terence's Tirade" and "Mike's Rant"!! Included: Their Top Ten Worst Movies lists and Clone rage!
71........(July 30--August 5, 2001). I review "Planet of the Apes"! We have a new "Terence's Tirade"! The second installment of Will Moriaty's "La Floridiana"!Deadguy reviews the new Ed Gein DVD! "Mike's Rant"! "Matt's Rail"! A new PCR challenge! All here!
70........(July 23--29, 2001). I review "Murder in Small Town X". Internet romance: next chapter! Will Moriaty debuts "La Floridiana"! John Lewis reviews "Evolution" and "Jurassic Park III"!
69........(July 16--22, 2001). The new Star Trek TV series. Cameras in Ybor City. Lauré reviews the "Mists of Avalon" TV-movie 2-parter. Deadguy announces new Indy movie. "Mike's Rant" is in on animal abuse, Utah porno, Superman's mother, Rocky Horror, and hot popcorn!
68........(July 9--15, 2001). Slow news week, so odds and ends for me. But, Deadguy reviews the DVD release of "Unbreakable". "Matt's Rail" reflects on his Amity Island vacation. Lisa Zubek reviews "Cats and Dogs". "Mike's Rant" rips into the FCC's censorship rules.
67........(July 2--8, 2001). HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Have a safe and happy holiday. I review "A.I."! Heck, we even got a review of "The Lord of the Rings" extended trailer that came on before the movie! Remembering Jack Lemmon and Chet Atkins. Deadguy's Dementia returns with "dead" laws, oxygen scams, and sunburned donkeys. TV announcements. "Mike's Rant" is in on Jack Lemmon and The Nuge!
66........(June 25--July 1, 2001). Another awful week and I'm running very behind. Remembering the late Carroll O'Connor. "Deadguy" Scott and I do battle on Lucas. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in: John Lee Hooker, The Monkees, David Lee Roth, old friends and "Jaws"!
65........(June 18--24, 2001). This issue is dedicated to the memory of Stephen L. Sousa. Disney's "Atlantis" vs Japanimation's "Nadia"? Matt and I reveal the actors we'd rather see play "Batman". George Lucas in a tizzy over fans re-editing "Phantom Menace"! Internet Romance, next chapter. New picture of Scott van Sickle, with update on his activities! Mike Scott defends Lucas and comments on Batman. Plus: commentary on having lost one of our own.
64........(June 11--17, 2001). The legacy of Tim McVeigh. Death of Buc's coach John McKay. Special announcements. "Deadguy's Dementia" on phony movie reviewers and frivolous lawsuits. "Matt's Rail" addresses capital punishment and the Famous Monsters lawsuit. "Mike's Rant" is in! The AFI top 100 and baseball news! UPDATE: 6-14-01. Brandon Herring's back with a new-style column! Mini-reviews, movie-reviews, DVD releases and more!
63........(June 4--10, 2001). Hallelujah...we're back on schedule! I talk about President Bush's visit to Tampa and internet romances. "Deadguy's Dementia" is on the Monkey Man and "Halloween" sequels. "Mike's Rant" is in and covers the Mars Face and George W.'s drunk driving. "Matt's Rail" is here with a clarification on last week's freedom of speech "Rail". UPDATE (6-7-01): New picture of Corey Castellano !
62........(May 28--June 3, 2001). Face on Mars and George W.'s tax-cut. "Deadguy's Dementia" on exhaustive movie reviews! Brandon on why "Halloween 8" might be a mistake. And after a month-long absence: the return of "Matt's Rail"! Covered: freedom of expression. "Mike's Rant" is in!! Covered: abuses of "zero-tolerance" policies in schools.
61........(May 21--27, 2001). I cover the season-enders that affected me. Hopefully you got something out of them too. Deadguy's new set of reactions to Lisa's Lambast! Brandon reviews "Shrek"! A TV update from Will Moriaty! "Lisa's Lambast" and "Mike's Rant" are in!! Covered: The Utah Polygamy trial in "L.L.", and kids who kill, baseball, and new DVDs in "M.R."!
60........(May 14--20, 2001). I comment on the strange newsweek; Robert Blake, Tim McVeigh, XFL and R.I.P.s. Terence's "Enlightenment", Chapter 1 is here! "Lisa's Lambast" on throwing away kids to the criminal justice system. Brandon reviews "The Mummy's Return". "Mike's Rant" is here and it's packed! Will and Dawn write in! Update: Brandon and Terence send in add'l commentary!
59........(May 7--13, 2001). I reflect on my creative cycles. "Lisa's Lambast" has drawn reader fire this time---Deadguy responds. Brandon Herring--with his new graphic--predicts the "hits or misses for the 2001 summer movie season! "Mike's Rant" is in! Will and Dawn write in! (Dawn vs Lisa!)
58........(April 30--May 6, 2001). The week that was: I reflect on issue 57 and its consequences. Mike Smith was in Tampa this week attending to family business and he still did not leave us "Rant"-less! What a pro. "Mike's Rant" is in and with a new graphic! "Lisa's Lambast" made it in! Letters from Scott Gilbert , Steve Beasley and Will Moriaty. Mike Scott's parting shot is linked.
57........(April 23--29, 2001). THE BIGGEST POP CULTURE REVIEW ISSUE OF ALL TIME!! First-time visitors: please allow at least 2 full minutes to download; subsequent visits will then load much faster. Lost Ramones memory. Crazed Fanboy website announcement! "Deadguy's Dementia" blows the lid off MTV's FEAR! "Terence's Tirade" is guaranteed to piss everybody off! We ALL respond to Matt's "Top Ten actor's performances of all time challenge"! Lauré sends in her Top 10. Brandon reviews "Blow". "Mikes Rant", "Lisa's Lambast" and "Matt's Rail" are all in! Off-site feedback already in on Terence, linkable from this issue! DIVE, ALL DIVE!!!
56........(April 16--22, 2001). The shocking death of Joey Ramone at 49. "Deadguy's Dementia" with a Jason X update and other horror/sci-fi news. Brandon returns! He reviews "Spy Kids". The return of "Lisa's Lambast"! Lisa Zubek details her activities since her disappearance last August, then zings right into lambasting. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in! Topics discussed are the death of Joey Ramone, the Chinese spy plane controversy and the "late" Hillsboro Theatre.
55........(April 9--15, 2001). Man, I'm still tired, but I am recuperating. Finally finished moving a truckload of stuff home from storage... with a little help from my friends. "Deadguy's Dementia" is in with comments on comics adaptations and a Jason X update! Mike Smith reviews "Josie and the Pussycats"! Dawn Miller strikes one for The Lone Gunmen! "Mike's Rant" is in and features commentary on the Dale Earnhardt/"Driven" controversy!
54........(April 2--8, 2001). Man am I tired. I've been working on home improvements all week and haven't had much sleep. Must...keep...publishing! I have something to say about Fox Mulder and PeeWee Herman! "Deadguy's Dementia" is in and reports on possible Night of the Living Dead sequels! "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in! Comments on the Oscars and Darryl Strawberry.
53........(March 26--April 1, 2001). THE 73rd ACADEMY AWARDS!! The results are in. Compare our picks versus the winners. "Deadguy's Dementia" is in! Lots of horror news. In "announcements", Corey and Steve have forwarded some important tidbits. Brandon reviews "Cast Away" in honor of the nominated film. "Mike's Rant" is in! His reactions to Oscar night.
52........(March 19--25, 2001). ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE! 52 issues old and going stronger than ever. I thank you all so much for your continued support. This issue is HUUUGE! Everybody wrote in! I talk about the first year of PCR. Also, my anemic Oscar picks. "Deadguy" has horror movie production notes. Terence tirades about public access TV. "Matt's Rail" comments on subjects we've recently brought up. "Mike's Rant": Mike has recovered and has lots of notes. PLUS his and Matt's Oscar picks! Letters from Will, Mike Scott and even a brief note from Corey.
51........(March 12--18, 2001). Anniversary issue this week and next! I explain the numbers. OK, so it's a slow news week! Introducing Mike "Deadguy" Scott, with his guest column on MTV's "Fear". Brandon reviews "The Wedding Planner". "Mike's Rant" is in and comments on Twin Bays theatre, Rob Zombie, and being an actor! No "Matt's Rail" this week.
50........(March 5--11, 2001). BIG 50th ISSUE. One year anniversary issue coming soon! Fred Lasswell, cartoonist for Snuffy Smith dies--my thoughts. "The Lone Gunmen" premiere episode reviewed. Brandon reviews "The Mexican". Mike Smith and Mark Drinnenberg reminisce about the Britton Cinema. First-time letter-writer Dan Pestana challenges my moon hoax issue.
49........(February 26--March 4, 2001). The Florida election results are in: George Dubya is still the winner. Hope it doesn't take this long next time! Pardon-gate. Announcements on the fate of Britton Cinema. The return of Viddywell. Brandon reviews "Down to Earth". "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" (conclusion of Monday from Hell story) are in!
48........(February 19--25, 2001). Did we land on the Moon? I respond to the hilariously wrong but highly entertaining Fox Special. More announcements. Brandon reviews "Valentine"! "Mike's Rant" is in!
47........(February 12--18, 2001). Special "Hannibal" issue! Mike, Brandon and myself--all have something to say about the new movie. Sky Homes do exist--who knew? Find out. Mike predicts the Oscars! And comments on another movie-related(?) youth crime. Matt had a really, really bad luck day! Read it. Oughtta make a movie.
46........(February 5--11, 2001). Action-packed issue! The return of Fox Mulder and the return of Art Bell. Lots of quick-mention news and lots of announcements. Movie review of "The Gift" by guest critic Brandon Herring. "Mike's Rant" is on KISS, the Oscars, and Mark Chmura. New graphics. Come on in!
45........(January 29--February 4, 2001). The aftermath of Super Bowl XXXV in Tampa. "Matt's Rail" is in and we debate murder and censorship! "Mike's Rant" is here: Matt's D.'s column and Ray Lewis are subjects!
44........(January 22--28, 2001). A surprise appearance by Mark Drinnenberg as he weighs in on the Top 10 guitarists challenge. "Mike's Rant" is on sex punishments and Jesse's girl! "Matt's Rail" features his 11--20 Top guitarists list!
43........(January 15--21, 2001). More changes. The Commentary section has been incorporated into the front page, starting this issue. I review "Heavy Metal: 2000--the video". Cat pix! "Mike's Rant" is in with movie news and rebuttals to Matt. No Matt this week.
42........(January 8--14, 2001). Birthday wishes to Scott and Matt....I continue to refine the Review with HTML hand-coding....the new Spider-Man movie.....the return of Art Bell. "Mike's Rant" comments on the sad passing of Ray Walston and also comments on the return of Art Bell. "Matt's Rail": on turning 40.
41........(January 1--7, 2001). Check out our radical new look! And I don't just mean the Archives page. I review "Cast Away". Check out "Mike's Rant" and a scalding letter from John Petrey. No Matt to start the new year! Bummer.