LETTERS  PCR #188      (October 27--November 2, 2003)

· Will Rebukes Phil
· Dave Thielen on John Lennon's birthday

Letters to the EditorWe welcome your feedback.

Mr. Frank:

I found both the spirit and content of your letter to be both repugnant and offensive. (Re: "Phil says LEGALIZE ALL KILLING, PERIOD!" from last issue---N)

If you are trying to somehow reinforce that you wear Christ in your presumed quest to uphold and defend the sanctity of life, you have failed immeasurably.

I am praying that you will begin directing your rage into energy that will be used in a constructive and lawful manner in order to create a just conclusion to the tragedies that you have addressed.

Although a portion of your rage is understandable your words belie that your chosen path is more akin to the likes of [abortion doctor assasin] Paul Hill more than our beloved Savior.

William Moriaty


I am certainly not going to jump in the fray about the Beatles, but nitpicking. We all agree that music lives on forever. Great art influences entire generations. Bad art fades and is forgotten. The people who create the art do not live forever.

Matt writes "For those of you who missed it, John Lennon turned 63 years old earlier this month". (Re: Matt's letter, last issue.---N) WRONG WRONG WRONG. To be more accurate, John Lennon turned 23 years old dead. People do not age once they are dead. Their art may live, but they do not. Do I go around quoting Mozart's age? Of course not, that's ridiculous! Choose your words more carefully in the future Matt!

Yours Truly,
Aw hell, you know who

To send an email to Letters to the Editor write to: Crazedfanboy1@aol.com.  Any emails sent to this address will be assumed intended for publication unless you specifically instruct me not to. I can and do respond privately, if that is your preference. Frequently, it's both ways.---Nolan

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