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PCR #443 (Vol. 9, No. 38) This edition is for the week of September 15--21, 2008.
Matt's Rail

The Tampa Film Review for September  by Nolan Canova, Terence Nuzum, and John Miller
"Lakeview Terrace"  by Mike Smith
The Yellow Submarine Chronicles Part Five: They’ll Be Rough Seas Ahead  by ED Tucker
Switch  by Andy Lalino
Bad Time To Be Raider Nation .... Nfl Officials: Need Glasses? Part Deux .... Still A Quarterback Controversy .... Kat Deluna Can't Sang .... Rays In The Playoffs! .... Matt Grothe For Heisman? Don't Bet On It .... It's Time For Week 3 Pix! .... My Gratitude  by Chris Munger
Updated 9/21 .... Ms. Palin And Special Needs Kids .... Happy Birthday Mike ....  by Matt Drinnenberg
Toga Redux .... Baseball .... The Answer Is .... Please Hurry Up And Die .... Get Out The Vote .... Passing On .... A Little Culture .... .... And The Oscar For 1997 Should Have Gone To...  by Mike Smith
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I just updated a portion of this Rail after careful consideration and contemplation. The main reason for this is explained in the column below.

I've decided to take the high road and rewrite this piece. Too often I let the hypocritical nature of my party get to me, making me come off as less than an advocate of peace, which is what I am at my base.

The problem at hand is Ms. Palin's trying to come off as an advocate for special needs children, while knowing full well she is not. Evidence of this is her whacking and hacking at the budget designated to go to special needs children in her own state.

I love kids. Especially kids with special needs. I help a lot of them on my job, and grieve heavily for their situation. It's bad enough that there are people shallow enough to wipe out their funding, but when they then proclaim to be the supporter of those they hurt...well, it just makes me less than fuzzy.

Just as I grieve for children facing long odds due to their disability, and grieve for the apparent lack of respect they receive at the hands of those in power, I too grieve for those in power who could do such a thing.

And while this isn't about 'W', I'll shock you all by admitting I grieve for him, too.

People placed in a position to help the needy, which is a command from the Master of all Christians, Jesus Christ, and yet choose to do the opposite while proclaiming to be His follower.

Woe to them all.

Bigtime birthday wishes go out to the guy who made the vast majority of my life a more than memorable experience.

Happy Birthday buddy. You're the best.



"Matt's Rail" is ©2008 by Matthew Drinnenberg. The Matt's Rail banner is a creation of Matt Drinnenberg. Webpage design and all graphics herein, unless otherwise noted, are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2008 by Nolan B. Canova.