Now in our tenth calendar year!
PCR #469 (Vol. 10, No. 12). This edition is for the week of March 16--22, 2009.
RONDO VOTING ENDS MIDNITE 3/21 Thats right fanboys and monster kids. Tonite at midnight voting in the 7th annual Rondo Hatton awards closes and your chance to have your say will be lost.
Voting, as usual, has been brisk with mega entries being received. Now that Rondo has made appearances on Good Morning America, USA Today, and numerous other news sources, websites, and blogs fans from across the globe are getting the message that this is for them. For us. For you!!!
Now is the time. Let your voice be heard, and good luck to your choices.
God bless
"Matt's Rail" is ©2009 by Matthew Drinnenberg. The Matt's Rail banner is a creation of Matt Drinnenberg. Webpage design and all graphics herein, unless otherwise noted, are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2009 by Nolan B. Canova.