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"The Wolfman"
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Nolan's Pop Culture Review 2010!
Assistant Editor / Co-moderator: Terence Nuzum

Established A.D. 2000, March 19. Now in our eleventh calendar year!
Number 516  (Vol. 11, No. 7). This edition is for the week of February 8--14, 2010.

Super Bowl 2010
Super Shuttle Launch
Talk to the Hand--Palin's Crib Notes
Readers' Comments


Crazed Fanboy's Most Memorable Moments, 2000--2009
As submitted by PCR writers, compiled by Chris Woods
From 2002, CFB's first book review column from author Patty G. Henderson where she reviews her favorite mystery novels.
Though I'm not personally a big sports fan, in the temporary absence of our sports writer, Chris Munger, I can't ignore the responsibility of congratulating the New Orleans Saints on their 31--17 victory over the Indianapolis Colts during this year's Super Bowl. That's pretty much all I have to comment on that.

Of special import to me is the new statistic this year's broadcast created, a viewership of 106 million people, breaking a 30-year viewership record set by the final episode of M*A*S*H, which was 105 million. Last year's Super Bowl was watched by 98 million folks.

Wrap your minds around that. Last Sunday's program was the highest-rated broadcast in the history of television. Funny that, because I remember nervous sponsors commenting an a possible low turn-out and that some remaining ad space was left just days before kick-off that was basically auctioned off. All in all, ads went for an average of nearly $3 million for 30 seconds. Wow. 48 minutes of advertising were sold.

I haven't had a chance to review the Super Bowl commercials yet, so can't comment on any favorites.


I was able to see the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavor -- sort of -- at 4:14am Monday morning, at work, from the vantage point of the 7-Eleven gas pumps. At that position, the long plume of the shuttle can be seen East/Northeast pointing in an 11:00 o'clock position as it gains altitude and heads downrange. It gradually shrinks to a large orange dot as it seems to slow (only because of perspective from my longitude), then finally a small star, then finally...out. Total elapsed time was about a minute and a half. (It would've been longer if I could've seen it from Bayshore, but from where I was it had to clear the treetops first.)

I was out there the night before as well, but the shuttle was cancelled then due to intensely cloudy weather.

I was a beautiful thing and it never gets old. This event was the last scheduled nighttime launch for the current fleet, set to retire later this year after just a few more missions.


Sarah Palin, speaking at a recent Tea-Party convention, gestured ocasionally exposing writing on her hand. The words "Energy", "Budget Cuts", "Tax", and "Lift American Spirits" are clearly visible. The word "budget" is crossed out, presumably to modify it to "tax cuts". These are supposed to reflect her core points! And she can't remember them? And this is during a speech where, among other things, she slams Obama's reliance on teleprompters! HAHAHA!!

Readers' Comments

The Readers' Comments section for this issue of PCR is now closed. To continue to interact, please use the Message Board or write a Letter to the Editor! The comments below are listed starting with the most recent. Thank you.

Crazed FanComments -- We Welcome Reader Feedback on any article(s) on this page.
bad pop lameness [15-02-2010 19:25] 
I actually have that Genesis on 8 track.
Chris Woods [15-02-2010 17:18] 
No, it's not wrong that Invisible Touch is your favorite. It's an awesome album. That's actually the first Genesis album I got back in 1986 on cassette.
Brandon [15-02-2010 16:59] 
To Beaz: Kevin Smith's big fat publicity stunt
Afraid to Show His Face [15-02-2010 16:57] 
Is it wrong if "Invisible Touch" is my favorite Genesis album?
Chris Woods [15-02-2010 16:16] 
Also, I don't think that's the reason why he's not going to the HOF, because Gabriel is bothered because people think Collins IS Genesis. Lots of people know Gabriel was the lead singer of the band for many years. Also, Gabriel had a big solo career all through the 80's and early 90's. I know that Banks, Collins, and Rutherford wanted Gabriel and Hackett to be a part of their tour in 2007, but Gabriel didn't want to be a part of it because he didn't want to dwell on the past and focus on new things, so I heard. Maybe that's the reason why he's not going to be there.
Chris Woods [15-02-2010 16:03] 
Mike - I agree with Terence there. Gabriel was a huge part of the band and one of the co-founders. Genesis is my #1 band and I like all Gabriel/Collins years, but my favorite was all of Gabriel and Collins up until 1978. Back in the 80's when I first discovered Genesis it was when Invisible Touch was out, so I do like Collins' stuff, but then I started to get all their old albums like Trespass, Nursery Cryme, Foxtrot, Selling England by the Pound, The Lamb, etc. I discovered Gabriel's Genesis, which is one of my favorites.
Steve Beasley [15-02-2010 12:04] 
Kevin Smith booted off plane by pilot for being too fat.

Should this even be legal? I mean, it's not like he's 800 pounds!

Story here:
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/new s/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=10626485
Terence [15-02-2010 08:47] 
Mike- Gabriel just as an important contriutor? thats downplaying it way too much for my comfort. Gabriel's Genesis is Genesis! Phil Collins even copied Gabriels vocals all the way up until Duke pretty much. The band after Hackett left wasnt Genesis.
Nolan [15-02-2010 06:54] 
R.I.P. Doug Fieger, 57, lead singer of The Knack ("My Sharona") who died Sunday from brain cancer, ending a six-year battle.
Michael [14-02-2010 20:35] 
Chris, I agree with you. I think the fact that most people who grew up in the 80s and beyond think Phil Collins IS Genesis and I think that bugs Gabriel. Anyone who has listened to "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" knows he was just as important a contributor. Hopefully he will change his mind.
Chris Woods [14-02-2010 09:10] 
Mike - That's too bad Gabriel can't make it to the Hall of Fame ceremony. It would be cool to see all five of them back together again for one night only. I'm just happy Genesis is finally getting inducted into the HOF.
Phatness in South Tampa [13-02-2010 20:44] 
Two things I am loving, Lisa's Valentine day column and Avril Lavigne.
Chris Woods [13-02-2010 15:53] 
Simon - Thanks. Glad you liked part 2.
Simon Lynx [12-02-2010 04:37] 
Chris - good article on the comics, I was waiting for part 2.

Lisa - enjoyed your scream queens article, my favorite part is trying to remember all the films they were in. Haven't had a chance to read 50 ways yet.
Andy [11-02-2010 20:10] 
ED: The things I'd buy if I had unlimited disposable income...

Just read that Paul Guzzo is helping Dick Greco write his memoirs. Sounds pretty cool.
Frisbee 1980 [11-02-2010 19:27] 
as a lover of frisbee, as a lover of the zen of frisbee, as a lover of the friendship of frisbee,

http://www2.tbo.com/content/2010/feb/1 1/112203/frisbee-inventor-dies-90/
ED [11-02-2010 18:29] 
Andy - that drive-in has been closed for a couple of years now. It is still standing and drive by it every time I am in Ocala and keeping thinking if it's still there when I retire I'll buy it!

Chris - DC put out two really good giant Batman books. One had a two face story reprinted from the newspaper strips and one had all of Batman's strangest cases. I need to dig around and see if I still have those.
Chris Woods [11-02-2010 15:34] 
Will and Jason - Glad you guys liked the article. I really enjoyed that time in my life when I was collecting comics. I still pick up a few back issues here and there at conventions from that era when I was collecting.

The Batman giant-size comics were very cool. I only had two of them and got them sometime in the mid-70's. Not sure what were the original years of those reprints, but one looked like it was probably a reprint from the 40's or early 50's.
Lisa Lisa [11-02-2010 15:32] 
Thanks everyone for the comments on my column this week. I'm currently in the angry and bitter stage of the divorce process...can you tell? LOL

Andy -- I LOVED "500 Days of Summer"!! I saw it twice last summer.
Andy [11-02-2010 15:26] 
ED: Great article on Badfinger. Who would've thought they'd end up in Ocala one day! By the way, did you know that they closed the drive-in up there? http://www.flickr.com/photos/ferret111/4221595914/ in/set-72157622902449920/

Lisa: Great article. I'm glad someone else saw "(500) Days of Summer."
ED [11-02-2010 09:16] 
Will - those old DC 80 Page Giants and later 100 Page Super Spectaculars were some of the greatest things to ever happen to comics. They gave newer fans a chance to read reprints of older stories they could not have otherwise. This got us more invested in the characters. I just bought a bunch of really nice 80 pagers, several Superman and Batman and More Secret Origins. I can't wait to read them.
Jason Fetters [11-02-2010 06:15]  
Chris - loved the article on DC. I am a huge Batman fan. I like the comics, the 60's show, the Batman movie by Tim Burton, Batman Beyond, and the Dark Knight. I didn't care for the sequels in between Burton's Batman and Batman Beyond.
William Moriaty [11-02-2010 05:37] 
...Later Part 1: In 1975 I resumed comic collecting with the Marvel line: Doctor Strange, Howard the Duck and in '78, Infantino's Spider Woman. My final foray into comic collecting was between 82 and 86 with Gene Colan's Batman and Detective, and into alternatives such as Bob Burden's Flaming Carrot, Reid Fleming - - the Worlds Toughest Milkman, Mister Monster and one of my all time favorites, Lloyd Llewyllen (sort of a Shag work of the mid 80's).

Now you know the rest of the story.

ED: Great article about Badfinger! John and Lisa Lisa, great Valentine articles, and Jason, you done good too!

Who said PCR is dying with a talent pool of fandom this good?
William Moriaty [11-02-2010 05:30] 
Chris: Muy excellente article! I started on comics under the guidance of my late sister back in 1962 who shared with me the Superman 80-page Giants. She also shared the Bob Kane/Murray Boltinoff Batman and Detective Comics and others such as Wonder Woman, Katy Keene, Archie and Veronica, and she even had Spider Man #1 (long since decomposing at a landfill somewhere).

Once Carmine Infantino started the New Look Batman in '64 I launched my own fanboy collection of Detective Comics, Batman, the Flash, the Atom, Green Lantern, World's Finest, Teen Titans, the Metal Men, Metamorpho, Justice League of America, House of Mystery, the Bold and the Brave (or vice-versa) and just about every DC comic imaginable. By 1967 I had about 800 comics and my father had me throw away all but 100 of them.

After 1967 my interest began to wane although I continued to collect Batman and Detective Comics until 1971. In 1974 I began to buy underground comics by Robert Crum and Denis Kitchen. More later!
Chris Woods [10-02-2010 20:16] 
Lisa - I enjoyed your column very much. Great creative list and some great films mentioned.

Jason - Liked your article on Japanese directors. I've always enjoyed Kurosawa films.

ED - Good article on Badfinger concert. I've always liked their song "No Matter What".
Chris Woods [10-02-2010 19:48] 
Terence - That Dick Tracy comic that I have has always been a favorite in my collection. For some reason I never got any other Tracy comics but it's cool they are new reprints. I'll have to track some down. I never really cared for the Dick Tracy film. Maybe it's because I didn't care for Beatty.

Steve - Never read the Crimestoppers's Textboook, but it sounds very cool.

ED - I only had a few Justice League comics. I had more Superfriends ones because I use to watch the cartoon. I was more a Marvel kid then a DC, so I didn't have as many DC comics as Marvel.

Lisa - Glad you liked the Memorable Moments idea. I'm really enjoying putting it together and the PCR staff has picked some great choices.
Chris Woods [10-02-2010 19:39] 
New Schlock review posted: MY BLOODY VALENTINE
Steve Beasley [10-02-2010 19:35]  
You've gotta see "Kiss me Deadly". 1955 Film noir. Mickey Spillane and crazy people! The beginning credits are backwards! Like the signs painted on a road, where the last word is first. They showed that through the windshield (driver's perspective) of Spillane's 1955 Porsche Speedster, which he almost crashes in the first minute of the film. Perhaps our man Spillane was reading the credits instead of watching the road. ;)

Hey Lisa! Cool byline this week!
Lisa Lisa & the Cult Jam [10-02-2010 12:53] 
Chris W. -- I'm really enjoying the Memorable Moments. What a fun way to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the site and to help readers discover or re-discover some "oldies but goodies". Great, great idea.
ED [10-02-2010 06:51] 
Chris - no Justice League of America? That was always my favorite comic because you got the most heros for your buck including Superman and Batman. I loved that Dick Tracy giant comic too and still have mine somewhere. It was an oddball thing for DC to publish. I don't think they ever did anything else with Dick Tracy. I loved the Crimestopper tips too. Especially the ones like how to use a rat tailed comb as a stabbing weapon! I can't even believe they reprinted that one in the 70's!
Steve Beasley [10-02-2010 02:25] 
Chris: Nice article! I was a huge fan of Dick Tracy in the Tampa Times/Tampa Tribune back in the 60s and 70s! The villains were definitely unusual, like Pruneface, who would steal jewelry and stash it in his massive wrinkles until he got to his hideout.. Kinda creepy, tho! Do you remember the Crimestopper's Textbook? I couldn't wait to read that every Sunday in the paper!
Terence [09-02-2010 22:11] 
p.s. I dont think the Warren Beatty filmis horrible. they knew there was only going to be one so they at least tried to stick every villian in somewhere. it was fun to try to spot them. not to mention its what got me into dick tracy comic strips. gangster movies, gangster history, and even my first musical love ragtime jazz. so maybe im biased but it was still amazingly shot and the lighting was awesome. just think the movie could have been worse. Pacino should not have been in it tho haha
Terence [09-02-2010 22:08] 
Chris- being a Dick Tracy fanatic that I am I actually have 4 of those oversized reprints myself haha they were ojk back then when i was trying to get any and every peice of dick tracy chester gould era strips but thankfully as of two years ago IDW publishing has been reprinting the entire series in chronological order.
Chris Woods [09-02-2010 20:34] 
Correction: I meant to type Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS.
Chris Woods [09-02-2010 20:28] 
And yes, Steven first starts off as a twerp of sorts, but then becomes a warrior and starts kicking zombie ass until his death at the end. You also forgot to mention one the greatest characters in that movie, Roger! He does die at the mid point in the film, but leaves a lasting impression in the film. Well, that’s my rant, it was an amusing read, but I’m not seeing what your seeing in Dawn of the Dead.
Chris Woods [09-02-2010 20:28] 
John – Interesting list for your column this week and a great read. That scene in Pulp Fiction always distributed me and yes the scream from the guy from I Spit on Your Grave is priceless. Other films that come to mind that have castration scenes are Ilsa, SS Wolf of the SS, The Street Fighter, Pieces, Blood Beach, and Hard Candy.

On your second part of your column, I’m going to have to disagree. As a huge Dawn of the Dead fan (yes I cringed when reading), I’m not seeing where Fran is lusting over Peter and dissing Steven. I just don’t see it. Yes, the two have their moments but it’s not because she thinks Steven is lame, it’s because she wants to leave the mall and find other people. I don’t see Fran as a tramp, high-maintenance, sexually frustrated, or ever making Steven feel insecure. Also remember that Fran is pregnant and I don’t see Peter and her doing anything on that helicopter ride. So, I think your just seeing things you want to. (continued)
J.MILLER [09-02-2010 19:38] 
Tez - I forgot all about El Topo...There is also a scene in Sante Sangre (was that the right title?) where the chick poors acid on the fat mans genitals and he hacks her up...

Wasn't Guinnea (spelled right?) a series as opposed to one movie? I just remember something about a mermaid and Charlie Sheen narking to the cops that he watched a snuff film...
Terence [09-02-2010 16:32] 
John- you forgot the castaration scene in El Topo. that one is priceless and brutal all at once. and yes Cannibal Holocaust definitley did have a castaration. ah the whole thing reminds me of the gorehound obession in the 90s were those creepy guys at video stores would try to foist the most goriest nastiest horror films ever made to us eager and hungry teenage horror fans. thankfully i never saw any interest in the movie Gueanie Pig.
Steve [09-02-2010 12:15] 
first! (from NZ)
ED [09-02-2010 09:18] 
Thanks Ter, I was getting tired of it!
Terence [09-02-2010 09:06] 
[31-12-1969 16:00] 
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